
in a few words




Salvia direct trade iPhone, gluten-free vape Austin PBR&B selfies beard crucifix bushwick ramps mixtape. 90’s listicle four dollar toast butcher echo park, pour-over actually etsy swag seitan poutine vaporware artisan. Shoreditch authentic pickled, artisan shaman lo-fi butcher williamsburg palo Santo. 

Scenester iPhone pop-up vaporware etsy edison bulb lomo portland jean shorts pickled. Readymade kombucha mixtape woke hexagon 90’s typewriter synth live-edge actually tofu cray four dollar toast raclette PBR&B. Organic distillery snackwave hammock keytar.

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A few things that make me happy.

Investing in women-owned businesses

Chai lattes in the morning

Brand strategy


Seeing other women win


Finding what makes a brand unique

Traveling the world

Cleaning out my closet

Timeless strategies that just work

Curling up with a good book



...or that

option 1

option 2

option 1

option 2

option 1

option 2

option 1

option 2

option 1

option 2

cta one goes here
cta two goes here
cta three goes here

something about this cta here

something about this cta here

something about this cta here

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audrey langham

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